Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The First Post

Writing a first post is always lame, but I guess I have to do it to get this bad boy rolling somehow. Regardless, let me explain how this thing is going to work. Clearly I'm going to be reporting on the impending ape threat as well as mindlessly ramble about things that I am thinking about at the current time. I do plan on having a continuous update on the apes though. In order to keep it consistent, I will have a rating system. The rating system will go as follows:

Green: Low - the chance of the apes attacking is nearly non-existant
Blue: Guarded - there is a chance the apes will be attacking, but it may not be imminent
Yellow: Elevated - there is a pretty good chance the apes will be striking soon
Orange: High - the chances of the apes striking are very high
Red: Severe - the apes are organized and they are attacking tomorrow

We can all thank the United States Department of Homeland Security for this rating system. Not only does it work to warn us of terrorist threats, but it can help us be prepared for ape attacks.

That's all I've got for now. Preparation is the key when it comes to defeating the apes.